Monday, September 17, 2007

First post!

This is my first post on a blog. I am trying to get my feet wet with publishing myself on the Internet and I am not too sure how good this will be or anything. I guess it does not have to be very good, just some of what I have to say regarding various things going on.

I am beginning to get very concerned for the future of the country as things regress and try to progress towards elections and with the war. Everyday that passes I feel more and more that this war is unjust and wrong for the country and the world. In every possible way it is tearing us apart as Americans with each camp unwaveringly supporting itself and distancing itself from the other camps with hateful, spiteful rhetoric and actions. It disgusts me to see the way the federal government is acting and here, in Louisiana, the way the state government behaves.

I am not too sure that there is one easy solution for any of these problems. Maybe these things are too far above a 24 year olds head. But I feel that the youth of this country, if it was listened to, has some great ideas and dreams and directions for the country. There is always going to be extreme factions on any and all sides of the issue, but I think it is time for people to begin to look at the country and talk with open minds and open ears about our problems. The time for fighting like punks is over. I think open dialogue and honest discussion needs to take place, both in Washington and in Baton Rouge and the various state capitals across the country. I think everyone needs to humble themselves right now and see that however you are feeling towards these issues is not the perfect, infallible right way.

The attention given to matters of celebrities and those things is way to high. Some of our greatest citizens are in Iraq right now looking at an uncertain future. I think that focusing on these issues and those of our current domestic issues should take precedence over anything and anyone that Britney Spears is doing. She is just a piece of trash and no way indicative of the typical American or typical American mindset. I hope that everyday Americans are more focused on the issues that matter than the debate between who is a bigger skank in Hollywood. Although, that issue does bring hours of amusement to people, including myself, over some drinks with friends. But I think CNN leading the days news with fresh crotch shots of famous people might be taking it too far.

However, life here in America is not all grim and there are many passions that can keep our heads clear available to many. LSU whooped ass this weekend, although they were playing Middle Tennessee State. I am very excited about the Tigers football season this year and their defense is just mind blowing. The offense always looks hesitant in many regards, but I feel that with a new offensive coordinator, Gary Crowton, it will take time for all things to gel. This weekend the boys play South Carolina and something tells me, maybe its history, that Steve Spurrier will have those guys ready. I look forward to an awesome game filled with some great plays. I think it sucks that the games has to be on CBS in the afternoon. LSU never plays their best in BR during the day and against this team they will need to. I think its a curse that Verne Lundquist places over the Tigers before each game he does. Just seems they lose more when CBS has the game then when ESPN does it. Probably some weird superstition that I posses, but one that I am going to hold on to like grim death. Or perhaps until the end of this deal with CBS that the SEC has. Hopefully things will go great for LSU this weekend and we can continue to march towards a date with destiny and a game against USC. I hate the Trojans and all the hype that goes with them. But they are a damn good team and anyone can see that. Here's hoping that LSU makes it there against them in the national championship game.

There was a lot of rambling on my part across various issues, but I am having trouble keeping my thoughts straight in my head as I type this. Also, this stream of consciousness technique will take some time to master, if that is indeed ever the point. I hope I can find my true voice over this thing and not seem so stodgy. I think that picture of Verne Lundquist really adds a lot. He is a handsome devil, isn't he?

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