Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Tuesdays Gone

Is that title not just the funniest, cleverest title for a Tuesday blog at the end of the day? Sometimes I am amazed by my own abilities to entertain. Not just myself but all of those around me. It is true that I can go overboard, but I love to entertain, and little quips like that just show it to the world. Just like this blog, it shows my ability to be fun and entertaining to the entire world. I know that many people are reading this, even though no one has commented. I think it is because they are either too pleased or too dumbstruck to say anything. I know, when it comes to blogging, I have it going on. That statement is fun, kids back in the nineties used to say that. Those were some good times.

Ohh, my own sarcastic awesomeness leads nothing to be desired. It is so much fun being able to type in a weird font and then change it up. It lets all my readers know that I have become a different, more serious voice and not the sarcastic so and so from the beginning of the entry here. What a great technology, and I love referencing the nineties. Someone should make a show about how much I miss that decade of greatness. Clinton was in the White House, men were men, women were women, and the world hated us with a quiet passion that belied our unwavering confidence in all things American. Truly, a great decade. Now we are stuck in this one. A real quagmire if you will. Bush is in the White House and things suck. This is not a new sentiment, just one I have not expressed and I am sure that so many people are clamoring to hear my thoughts on our president. Hatred for America is shocking around the world. I had no idea that we were so despised by so many people. We are like the really hot chick at school who is snobby. Everyone hates us because we are powerful, cool, and better in almost every way, but secretly, they all want to be inside of us. I hope that was not too much of a stretch for anyone. Just a really great analogy to cap off this segment.

I do not have too much to say tonight so I will not bore myself with typing every bane thought that runs through my head. I am glad to be done with the book, The Age of Missing Information, for class. It was a good book.and I started on the outline tonight, which is not due for a week. That is so awesome. I rarely get things going early, but this semester I have been really good at that. Must be my passion for learning or some shit. Anyway, goodnight me, or the other lonely late night Internet crawler who may read this or pass right over it. I enjoyed your company again tonight.

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