Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Joyeux Quatorze Juillet!!

I feel a ton of pressure on my shoulders right now with all of the things I feel like I have to do these next few days. My schedule is full of non-work related activities and yet, here I sit at my office with little to do and a lot to think about.

When words aren't enough, here is a visual

My lovely lady will be celebrating her 27th birthday tomorrow and there are a lot of things that I need to get done before that happens. Well her birthday is going to come whether I am ready or not but I really want to be ready for the big day. It's not every year that someone you love turns 27.

There are the things that I want to do for her and then the things that come with living your life connected to a female. Nothing major, just the little (or big, depending on your perspective) things that women get their men to do because that is just the way it is.

I have a one of a kind, amazing, independent, smart, and awe-inspiringly beautiful girlfriend (and I am not just writing that because I know she will read this at some point in the future) but there are still things that she will ask me to do, either for her or with her, and it tickles me to death. Of course, I know that if I were not in her life she would be more than capable of doing them herself but I just love hearing some of the various things she will ask me to do.

(Sidebar: It should be noted and said aloud that I am not angry or resentful over the various duties I have to perform while in the love and company of my lady. It is part of the responsibilities of being with someone you love and care about and sure, I might bitch, but I do so because I know that she knows I am not being 100% serious and that I understand that life is about doing things you don't want to do sometimes and in doing those things you broaden your experiences and perspectives in life. Plus, I would follow her to the moon if that was necessary at some point in our life together.)

No matter what it is though, I always smile and laugh on the inside when I think about what is happening to me and around me.

Right now I am already beginning to feel the mental load lighten as I sit here and write out what is going on in my head. 

On another note, it is Bastille Day in France. Since I reasonably assume that everyone knows what Bastille Day represents I won’t bore you with a lengthy explanation. Suffice it say the French stormed a prison, kicked off their revolution against the monarchy, and ushered in the rise and fall of a little guy (pun intended) named Napoleon.

Of course, it was not as straight forward as all that but the chain of events is logical and factual. I don’t have time to get weighted down with all of the heavy particulars of each and every Western European country’s particular nationalistic history.

Speak to you later peoples. Or person. I am not sure who reads this but I know I have really started enjoying incorporating this blog into my day.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

you are so kind. I don't need anything for my bday except some time with you. oh, and the chore list i have printed and made copies of for you. ;)