Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Local Blogger Stymied by Head Cold

I was not sure it was possible, but somehow I have managed to contract the common cold during the middle of the summer. I think it might have come from the kids I spend my days around, who are always sick and never wash their hands.

No matter how I managed to contract this cold, I can honestly say that it sucks and I would not wish this upon anyone. Well, maybe this guy.

Speaking of Sen. David Vitter, apparently he has joined the ranks of the ignorant and has said he agrees with conservative groups who are suing to get the birth records of President Obama viewed publicly.

Come on people; is this the most important thing going on right now? Does Vitter have his head stuffed up his butt? I am no bleeding heart Democrat but I am going to come out and say that Vitter might be the biggest embarrassment to Louisiana since Vitter and here again, Vitter.

Here is his voting record so far during his term in the Senate. After looking it over, I can honestly say that on some things I agree with his voting record but on the majority of issues I would have to say, “Get out of here man. You are wasting our state’s time and money.”

Of course, it is easy to sit here and talk bad about him and scream and plead for someone else, but can we assure ourselves that any new person elected would do a better job.  I just hope we can elect someone with less personal baggage so our attention and that of the media can be directed on their contributions to our state.

Wow, I have gotten so far off topic from this post’s origins that I don’t think I will ever get back. Since I am not feeling well and am having trouble focusing my mind, I am going to leave the politics and politician bashing for another day. 

In the meantime, I hope you enjoy this reminder of now:

1 comment:

cltison said...

Lovely choice of music...thanks for the memories!