Monday, July 12, 2010

The video header explains it better than I could...

Another glorious weekend has been ruined by Monday. No matter how much sleep I get during the weekend my body always feels like Monday is going to be its last day. Is everyone’s Monday like this? I hope so or I am really doing some damage to my body and mind.

Watching the World Cup 2010 Final between Spain and The Netherlands go scoreless through regulation and into extra time and then watching water drip out of a faucet made for fierce competition this weekend in my never ending quest to find “the least interesting thing I can do for 120 consecutive minutes.”

The saving grace of the World Cup Final was watching it with friends who care about as much as I do and Lindsey and myself’s outrageous soccer lunacy. (See photographic evidence to the right --->)

We love the Old World and we love Old World match-ups in international sporting competitions. (You do not want to get near us during the World Baseball Classic either.)

On a particularly jarring side note, apparently a group of Islamic militants took the opportunity that the World Cup provides for peaceful, large gatherings of people and decided to kill a lot of those said peaceful Cup watchers.  This type of evil is revolting. It is absolutely cowardly and there should be no room for this behavior in the 21st century. Someone needs to get in touch with the PR and marketing departments over at al-Shabab, the group claiming responsibility for the attack, and get them to change their approach.

Why do these terrorist groups believe so strongly in this type of attack? Have they ever really gotten anything they demanded by utilizing these techniques?

Since I am not really up to getting into a long conversation about the merits of Islamic martyrdom on the global political scene I am going to cut it short for now. Besides, I really do not have too much more to say about anything on any level. I really just wanted to produce something for this morning, get the creative juices flowing, and hopefully be able to come up with something for this afternoon and/or tomorrow. 

Hopefully, after all is said and done for the day, my lady and I will get something like this:

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Agreed- Monday, Monday- can't trust that day.... or a peaceful World Cup apparently. I'm game for the helmet though ;)