Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Don't Stop Believing

If you spend enough time doing anything you are bound to become good at it. There is always the problem of not doing something enough. This problem usually lies with the person who is not doing whatever it is that they want to do.

How many times in life have you started something and then just finished it because you were not as good as you thought you should be?

It has happened to me a number of times. I have this vision in my head of things and when they do not happen that way I think they should I tend to just stop doing it. I think a lot of that stems from the fact that most of my life certain things that I do have come easy to me and I get so frustrated when I struggle that I shut down.

An example that comes to my mind instantly is playing the guitar. I want to play and every time I start playing I really dig it. However, there comes that time in my mind when I believe I should be better at it than I am and I just throw in the towel. Rather than keeping my head up and working on it even harder I just forget about it, in a way. (Sometimes when I am sitting in the quiet solitude of an afternoon after work the thought will come to me to pick it up again but I just convince myself to not worry about it.)

I am not sure why I do this and it is not limited to guitar playing. That example just stands out in my mind.

This problem of stopping an activity when I don’t like the way it is going stares me in the face every day and it is one that I try to overcome all the time. I fail and falter, but I every day I try to do something that I believe I am not as good as I think I should be. Of course, I find that the better you think you are at something the more likely you are to be reminded that you are not, in fact, that good at it. Or at least you will find out that you are not the best at it like you had so long suspected.

Then, I believe that I have to make sure that I stay sharp with the things that I believe I am already doing well. There are plenty of those things as well.

I guess the moral of this story is to make sure that you always work hard on everything in life and the important things will rise to the top. It is also a public reminder to me to make sure that I remember to not give up on not giving up, which is exactly what I need.

They say that shame works wonders on some people to correct an action and I think that is true for me in this case.

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