Monday, August 9, 2010

Looking for a Little More

I have experienced a real creative drought over the past few days. I just am bogging myself down in worrying what I should speak about and am forgetting that I can speak about whatever I want because this is mine and it doesn’t matter.

It can be really intimidating to try and think of cool things to write about especially when my brain is full of things I want to say but sometimes I cannot figure out how I want to say them. I feel strongly about a lot of things and issues but there is no real outlet for me right now in my life for those thoughts. It appears to me that most people I talk to do not want to talk about those things for reasons I cannot understand.

I guess it is the polarizing nature of issues of importance that make them so hard to talk about. If people were capable of intelligent, non-biased discussion then this world would be a much better place. It would really be beneficial if people put less emotion and more intellect into voicing their convictions. But then I suppose some people would say that to have convictions implies emotion.

I just want to find an outlet for the many ramblings that ensconce themselves into my brain and want to be worked out with people who also enjoy reasonable, intelligent discussion. I want to include people who disagree with me and could paint another picture but most of the people I know who disagree with me seem to just regurgitate information they have heard elsewhere without any intelligible, independent research. Have you ever tried to have an adult discussion with someone who does not go out and research the topic at all but uses clichés, quotes, and simple-mindedness to try and make themselves appear relevant? It grosses me out when I have to talk to people like that.

I just want to be able to discuss more important issues than the usual banality. Don’t get me wrong, I enjoy the banality as well, but I would just like to see a more diverse array of topics discussed than it appears to me that many of the people I associate with do. I should say, that I am not sure if they want to discuss higher order topics but I have never gotten the impression I could have a lengthy, intelligent discussion about anything going on with only but two or three people.

One of my main goals right now is to try and plug myself into a group of people that want to share and discuss important issues that affect my community and the nation as a whole. I am on the lookout for groups of people that want to discuss plans and aim to lead the community in better and brighter directions. 

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