Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Here We Go Again

Controversy = The Same Thing Done Differently Each Week

Apparently the best way to get noticed in this country is to do a magazine cover photo shoot in the nude and covered in blood. Who knew? In the same stroke, the best way to get labeled as controversial and/or make news is to continue to do almost the exact same thing week end and week out.

The "new" cover of Rolling Stone is all anyone can seem to think or talk about all day on the internet. Am I new here on Earth or does it seem like every week or so Rolling Stone does something that people deem “controversial” or “news worthy?” How many times can you do something before it stops being controversial?

I would think that the limit on that would be three or more times, which means we can definitely move past thinking of what Rolling Stone does as controversial and start thinking of it as just what they do. That makes sense, right?

I guess not because we here in America are so overwhelmed with fascination for anything showing more than a quarter inch of bare flesh we will showcase and highlight and dissect it to no end. I suppose it should come as no surprise though since our culture seems to be probing and dissecting almost everything and anything anyone says or does these days ad nauseum.

It is enough to make me want to rip my clothes off and start snapping photos.

I also hate it when the news/magazine headlines will call certain photo shoots topless because the female subject just happens to not be wearing a shirt. I get it in that she is literally not wearing a top, but she is almost always facing the other direction giving us some coy smile/scowl or she is wearing a hand bra. In my opinion, these techniques render the “topless” term moot because we don’t get to see full breast.  

It might be just me but when you tell me a hot girl is topless I better be able to see nipple or at least more than the same amount of breast I would be able to see at the beach or at one of my sexy lingerie parties.
Perhaps I am dissecting this too much, but I am getting really tired of seeing one thousand posts about a magazine cover shoot where a female, or a male in some cases, is not wearing their Victorian era dressing gowns. Are we still so prudish? What is all the hype about?

I know it’s exciting when Katy Perry lets us see 85% of her breasts…again, but can we please keep the national discourse on the issue down to a slight murmur. Let’s just save the yelling for when they start taking pictures of her dripping honey on her naked body while penning her much anticipated and ridiculously forthcoming love missive to me. I could get worked up over that. 

1 comment:

rustybill said...

in conclusion, muff shots from now on, please.