Tuesday, August 17, 2010

On to the next one...

Challenging the person you love to a vodka cocktail drinks contest is probably not the way most people kick off their week, but Lindsey and I are not most people and there is nothing we love more than a good challenge. Especially one where we are pitted against each other and the winner actually ends up being the loser when it is all said and done. Irony is probably the one literary device we utilize the most around the house, well that and onomatopoeia. Boom!

Suffice it to say that this morning we both officially lost thanks to the latent and evil machinations of said vodka. I knew something had gone wrong in our plan when I had to pry my eyes open with a crowbar thanks to the pain from the unbearable light of that smug yellow dwarf star we call the Sun beating against the back of my skull. I think we can check this off the "Lesson not Learned, Yet" play-book because I am sure we will be back for another contest at some point. 

I wish I could say it will be a healthier less brain berating contest; like seeing who can eat the most salad or chug the most water in under six hours, but I wouldn't bet on that if I were a betting man because we already are planning to do something similar to what you are going to see in the embedded video. The only glaring difference between us and that guy however, will be when we die. Probably naked and probably covered in each other’s vomit.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

that is disgusting! next monday- whiskey contest?